Bangkok: Not Havana

1 λεπτα

Text / photo: Aris Chatzistefanou

After the death of Fidel Castro, many were those who suddenly realized that the island faces a serious prostitution problem and tried to relate the fact with the Cuban revolution, socialism, or the deceased leader himself.

But those same people hardy ever talk about the soul merchants that countries like Thailand, which is a member of the Tiger Cub Economies, host.

Of course Thailand, never faced the embargo that ravaged Cuban economy for 6 decades. The sex industry there developed after the Vietnam War, when Thailand became a supply station and a place of rest for American soldiers.

Today, independent organizations report that child prostitution covers 40% of the sex industry. It is estimated that the number of minors pushed into prostitution around the world, ranges from 40 thousands to hundred- thousands, depending on the method of research.

Translation: Panos Chatzistefanou

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